Sunday, October 02, 2005

CommCognition Top 25 Week 5

MUDVILLE -- It is a difficult week in college football for me. Each of the three schools that have awarded me a degree found failure on the gridiron. In addition, the teams that I most hate won easily. Ohio State was idle, so there were few distractions. Highlights of the weekend include Alabama's return to glory, the great performance of Dublin's own Brady Quinn, the Vols and Tigers avoiding a Tuesday morning hangover, and somebody in the Big XII North winning a league game with conviction. On the downside, I will have nightmares about watching Tyrone Prothro's leg snap like a wishbone.

1. Texas
2. USC
3. Virginia Tech
4. Ohio State
5. Tennessee
6. Florida State
7. Notre Dame
8. Alabama
9. Georgia
10. LSU
11. California
12. Auburn
13. Arizona State
14. Florida
15. Texas Tech
16. Miami (Fla.)
17. Wisconsin
18. Louisville
19. Boston College
20. Michigan State
21. UCLA
22. Texas A&M
23. Penn State
24. Georgia Tech
25. Colorado


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bama Bama Bama Bama Bama Bama Bama

9:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is more to life than football. I mean c'mon I so don't root for the football team of my school, ok sure I do root and pray for the LaCross team, but football... No way!!

8:40 PM  

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