Saturday, August 26, 2006

Academic Year Poised to Begin

It's time for a great year at Texas Tech University.

Classes begin Monday, and I am excited to be teaching Mass Communications Research Methods and Advertising Campaigns. They are both new "preps" for me, but they will be fun classes.

The ugly part is that the research class is at 9 a.m. Ugh.

But it's going to be a fun year. It's great to be back on the semester system, and I am excited about the quality of students at Tech. We learned some of the culture of the place when the cheerleading squad made a presentation to us at a Bar-B-Q dinner with the university president and his wife.

Raider Red was even there, although he terrified my youngest daughter.

All around, it is an exciting time.

If you want a degree in advertising, I honestly believe we now have the best faculty in the country. Person for person, I will put up our advertising faculty against any in the nation.

If you want an experimental psychology based Ph.D. in mass communications, I honestly believe that we have the best program in the country. There are some programs that are just as good (my alma mater, Indiana), but I do not believe that there are any better.

How could I not be excited?


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