Friday, July 27, 2007

Discovery Channel Seeks Emotional Connection

Shameless TDF plug from Velo News.

More businesses are getting it: emotion is what counts!

From an Adweek story:

"The Discovery brand 'is still caught up in the intellectual space,' said Dan Bragg, Discovery Channel client vp and creative director. 'The brand itself is not as heartfelt as our programming. So the marketing will try to move the brand to being more culturally relevant and more emotionally engaging.' "

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the "brand" is not as heartfelt as the programming, then I think Discovery Channel is much closer than they realize to establishing a more emotional heartfelt brand.

Believe it or not, the "brand" is really the way that television viewers perceive Discovery Channel, and the majority of each person's perception is probably driven by the television content, which is absolutely beautiful.

Perhaps the attempted advertising messaging has yet to be so emotional, but this is probably more a case of the advertising and corporate messaging finally trying to catch up to where the brand is already situated.

- Tim

2:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, but what if brand perceptions preclude people from partaking in the content?

3:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's certainly a reason for the advertising messaging to finally get on board with the essence of the brand.

But... one important factor is that the brand loyalists who enjoy the content and identify with it may serve as brand representatives to somewhat impact those brand perceptions of yet to be viewers.

5:03 PM  

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